Thursday, March 4, 2010

Circle of Fire - a prayer by Miguel Ruiz

Un excelente autor que comparte la sabiduría de los Toltecas, es don Miguel Ruiz. En esta oración se aprecia la simplicidad de las palabras que nos permiten pedir la guía que nos conduzca a la integridad y al amor.

An excellent author that shares the Toltec Wisdom is don Miguel Ruiz. In this prayer, you can see the simplicity of his words that allow us to ask for guidance, to achieve integrity and love.

Today, is the day of the Lord, when the Divinity returns to us.
When living our Free Will, and with all the Power of our Spirit,
We decide to live our lives in free Communion with God,
With no Expectations.
We will live our lives with Gratitude, Love, Loyalty and Justice,
Beginning with Ourselves,
And continuing with our Brothers and Sisters.
We will respect all Creations as the Symbol or our Love communion
With the One who Created us.
To the Eternal Happiness of Humanity.

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