Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hablando de números...

Las mujeres constituyen el 1/2 de la población. Llevan a cabo casi 2/3 de todas las horas de trabajo. Reciben 1/10 del ingreso mundial y son dueñas de menos de 1/100 de las propiedades del mundo.

-Reporte de las Naciones Unidas.
Imagen tomada de:

Los Monologos de la Vagina

Nunca tuve la oportunidad de ver la obra, asi que la busque en internet y aquí la comparto con ustedes para que rían, lloren, gocen y se enojen, pero sobre todo para que amen a sus vaginas.

Parte 1

Parte 2

Parte 3

Parte 4

Parte 5

Parte 6

Parte 7

Parte 8

Parte 9

Parte 10

Parte 11

Parte 12

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Embrace your innner girl - Eve Ensler

Una maravillosa ponencia de Eve Ensler (Los Monólogos de la Vagina), donde habla sobre esa niña interior que a veces no dejamos salir.

Con cariño para el maravilloso círculo de mujeres que está creciendo en Montreal.

Baila con Dios



Has known God,

Not the God of names,

Not the God of don’ts,

Not the God who ever does

Anything weird,

But the God who only knows four words

And keeps repeating them, saying:

“Come dance with Me.”



- Hafiz (translated by Daniel Ladinsky in The Subject Tonight is Love: Sixty Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz)
los niños
Han conocido a Dios.
No el Dios de los nombres,
No el Dios de los "No"
No el Dios
Que hace algo raro
Sino el Dios que solo conoce cuatro palabras
Y las repite todo el tiempo, diciendo:
"Ven a bailar conmigo"
A bailar.
- Hafiz

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Drumming for peace, anyone?

Como siempre, en esta época resuena en mis oídos el llamado por la paz y la curación de la Tierra. Creo que cada vez estamos más cerca de lograrlo, sin embargo, la participación de todos es importante.

Los Otomís en México hacen un llamado a participar activamente en el proceso curativo de la Madre Tierra.

¿Tú también lo escuchas?

Cuando 8000 tambores sagrados vibren al unísono,
una intensa sanación para la Madre Tierra comenzará.
-Profecía Otomí



A las Primeras Naciones, Pueblos, Comunidades y Organizaciones Indígenas del Mundo y a toda la Humanidad.

Como una Profecía Revelada en el Centro Ceremonial Otomí, por los Ancianos Sabios y Ancianas Sabias Otomíes a los Pueblos Indígenas y a toda la Humanidad; como una Visión de nuestros Venerables Ancestros, el día en que se reúnan los Sonidos de Ocho Mil Tambores Sagrados, será el inicio de la verdadera Sanación de la Madre Tierra, de Toda las Especies y la Familia Humana -hoy en desequilibrio total-; para poder convivir en el camino de la Paz Sagrada, en conexión armónica con el Universo, la Madre Naturaleza, la Comunidad, la Familia y con nuestro propio Corazón. Es el tiempo de reunificarnos y reencontrarnos todas las Semillas de las Cuatro Direcciones para reactivar la energía cósmica, curar las heridas históricas, sanar a nuestra Madre Tierra, respetando la vida, la libertad y la dignidad de nuestros Pueblos.

La Nación Otomí, a través del Consejo de Ancianos y Guardianes de la Tradición Otomí, la Dänguu Mfädi “Mähki ´Ñuu” (Gran Casa del Saber Otomí) y la Universidad Indígena Internacional convocan a los:

Mantenedores Indígenas del Sonido Ancestral, Ceremonial y Medicinal de los Tambores Sagrados.
Consejos de Ancianos, Sabios y Principales a todas las Naciones, Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas.
Guías, Guardianes y Jefes Espirituales Indígenas.
Y a Todas las Tradiciones de la Humanidad, para unirse a la Magna Ceremonia Indígena de los 8000 TAMBORES SAGRADOS POR LA CURACIÓN DE LA MADRE TIERRA, POR LA VIDA Y POR LA PAZ.

Que se llevará a cabo en el Centro Ceremonial Otomí, Estado de México, así como en Monterrey, Desierto y Zona Maya, en la Primavera de 2010.

"When 8000 sacred drums sound together,
an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence."
- 500 year-old Otomi Prophecy
8000 SACRED DRUMS GATHERING again this Spring Equinox 2010.
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Again, the Otomi Toltec elders of Mexico will be holding annual ceremonies to gather as many sacred drummers together all around the globe to continue the fulfillment of their 500-year old prophecy with the powerful intention to open healing of our blessed earth mother and Human Family -. You can join us in this gathering, to be together in the Otomi Toltec Sacred Land and/or drumming wherever you are at this time!

Let us join together with all indigenous nations around the world in calling for peace – for dignity - for justice - for healing.

According to a Sacred Prophecy revealed at the Otomi Ceremonial Center by the Otomi Toltec Elders:


The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico. Drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox. This Ceremony comming from the Otomi Toltec Spiritual Tradition will continue each year.

- To seal and to heal each wounded vortex of our Mother Earth. To heal our Peoples and Relatives.
- To identify and to activate the Indigenous energy centers at sacred places. This is our duty.
- To plant and to strength consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth. This is everyone's work.
- The Indigenous ancestral recommendation is to create and to practice our ancient culture of Peace and Life. This is fundamental.
- The recognition and use of the energy and healing properties of our sacred instruments

We'll join indigenous nations around the world in calling for peace – for dignity - justice - for healing-. With the previous request of the people interested and the agreement written by the Otomi Toltec Elders, you can also do one for your area there too! It's open to everyone... every organization.. every band/tribe/first nation, school, native housing complex, friendship centre, street, house, park, community centre, gathering.
* * * * * * * *
*All these ceremonies will take place with the previous agreement written of the Otomi Toltec Elders, just for honouring the protocols and guiding principles of this Sacred Ceremony comming for this Indigenous Culture and Ancestral Spiritual Tradition.
* * * * * * * *
Looking forward to drumming with you all again...
With Love, Peace and Respect.
We’re all related.

Council of Elders and ]Wisdomkeepers of the Otomi Toltec People

Imagen tomada de:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Círculo de Mujeres

Este sábado iniciamos formalmente la sesión de un segundo Círculo de Mujeres. En dicha sesión leí un cuento sobre La Loba, hablamos sobre esos huesos que tenemos que recoger y la canción que debemos cantar. También hicimos una breve meditación para encontrar un mensaje adecuado para nuestro momento.

Gracias Tania por abrirnos las puertas de tu casa para esta maravillosa reunión.

Aquí les dejo el cuento de La Loba:

There is an old woman who lives in a hidden place that everyone knows in their souls but few have ever seen. As in the fairy tales of Eastern Europe, she seems to wait for lost or wandering people and seekers to come to her place.

She is circumspect, often hairy, always fat, and especially wishes to evade most company. She is both a crower and a cackler, generally having more animal sounds than human ones.

I might say she lives among the rotten granite slopes in Tarahumara Indian territory. Or that she is buried outside Phoenix near a well. Perhaps she will be seen travelling south to Monte Alban in a burnt-out car with the back window shot out. Or maybe she will be spotted standing by the highway near El Paso, or riding shotgun with truckers to Morelia, Mexico, or walking to market above Oaxaca with strangely formed boughs of firewood on her back. She calls herself by many names: La Huesera, Bone Woman; La Trapera, The Gatherer; and La Loba, Wolf Woman.

The work of La Loba is the collecting of bones. She collects and preserves especially that which is in danger of being lost to the world. Her cave is filled with the bones of all manner of desert creatures: the deer, the rattlesnake, the crow. But her specialty is wolves.

She creeps and crawls and sifts through the montanas , mountains, and arroyos, dry riverbeds, looking for wolf bones, and when she has assembled an entire skeleton, when the last bone is in place and the beautiful white sculpture of the creature is laid out before her, she sits by the fire and thinks about what song she will sing.

And when she is sure, she stands over the criatura , raises her arms over it, and sings out. That is when the rib bones and leg bones of the wolf begin to flesh out and the creature becomes furred. La Loba sings some more, and more of the creature comes into being; its tail curls upward, shaggy and strong.

And La Loba sings more and the wolf creature begins to breathe.
And still La Loba sings so deeply that the floor of the desert shakes, and as she sings, the wolf opens its eyes, leaps up, and runs away down the canyon.

Somewhere in its running, whether by the speed of its running, or by splashing its way into a river, or by way of a ray of sunlight or moonlight hitting it right in the side, the wolf is suddenly transformed into a laughing woman who runs free towards the horizon.

So remember, if you wander the desert, and it is near sundown, and you are perhaps a little bit lost, and certainly tired, that you are lucky, for La Loba may take a liking to you and show you something – something of the soul.

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes ~
Women who Run with the Wolves